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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I place an order?

You can place an order by following these steps:

  • Click on the product you wish to buy.
  • Add the product to your cart.
  • Update the quantity if needed.
  • Click on “View Cart” or “My Cart.”
  • If you have a coupon code, enter it; otherwise, click “Proceed to Checkout.”
  • Update your billing and shipping address.
  • Click on the “Place Order” button.
  • Choose your preferred payment method and click “Proceed.”
  • Your order will be successfully placed!

Q2: Is it necessary to have an account to shop on the Kairos website?

Yes, you need to log into your Kairos account to shop. Shopping as a logged-in user is faster, more convenient, and more secure. You’ll also enjoy personalized recommendations and quicker checkout.

Q3: Are there any hidden charges (Octroi/Local or Sales Tax) when I shop on Kairos?

No, there are no hidden charges. The price you see on the product page is the final price you pay. However, there may be additional delivery charges based on your location.

Q4: How long will it take for my order to be delivered?

Your order will be delivered within 7-10 working days after placing the order.

Q5: How do I cancel an order I have placed?

You can cancel your order as long as it hasn’t been dispatched. Go to the ‘My Orders’ section under the main menu, select the order you wish to cancel, and click on “Cancel.” If the cancellation option is unavailable, please contact us at 70879 64179 or email us at customercare@thekairoshome.com for assistance. Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used.

Q6: I received an SMS saying my address was incorrect. What should I do?

The dispatch team has flagged your address as incomplete or incorrect. Please share your complete address, including Town/City, State, Nearby Landmark, Pincode, Phone Number, and Email Address by writing to us at customercare@thekairoshome.com. For village addresses, you may need to provide a friend’s or family member’s city address for faster delivery.

Q7: What if I receive a damaged product?

If you receive a damaged product, please email us at customercare@thekairoshome.com with images and order details within 48 hours of receiving the product.

Q8: How do I create a return request?

You can create a return in three simple steps:

  • Tap on ‘My Orders.’
  • Choose the item you wish to return.
  • Enter the required details and submit the return request.

Q9: Can I modify the shipping address of my order after it has been placed?

Yes, you can modify the shipping address before your order is processed (packed). Update your address in the ‘My Orders’ section under the “Change Address” option.

Q10: How can I pay for my order at Kairos?

We support the following payment options:

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Net Banking
  • Wallet
  • Google Pay
  • UPI
  • Paytm